Vibration Exfoliation Nation

waveThis is the newest fad in the complex area that is proper facial cleansing procedures. Neutrogena have come up with this little beauty to ensure that the faces of women everywhere can be as perfect as Vanessa Hudgens, big ride face that she is.


Now is it just me or does this look like, and more than likely will be used as, a vibrator? And not the kind that Neutrogena intend, the kind where “gentle vibrations help open pores so tingly foam can go 10x deeper” The kind that will cause tingles of a slightly different variety. I’m not gonna lie, even if this works and gives me skin like a baby angel dipped in double cream, I’m still not gonna walk up to a counter with this. “Eh..just this…and a bottle of Durex silky lube. They are in no way connected”  *Negative*.

February 17, 2009. Tags: , , , . hot hotness, movies, music, oh sweet jesus, random.

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